
How to Restore Memory Foam Mattress | Ultimate Guide 2023

Have you ever felt like your once-comfy memory foam mattress isn’t as cozy as it used to be? This article teaches you how to restore a memory foam mattress. The sagging of our foam mattress can be a source of frustration. 

We have also discovered several ways to restore the original shape of the mattress. We understand the importance of a good night’s sleep and are here to help. This guide has tips and information from experts. It enables you to improve your mattress’s comfort and quality.

By the end, you’ll have the know-how to transform your sagging mattress into a haven of comfort again. Say goodbye to sleepless nights and hello to a good night’s rest. Let’s start the process of giving new life to your memory foam mattress

6 Way to Restore Memory Foam Mattress (Step By Step)

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to restore a memory foam mattress.

1. Place the mattress on the floor 

Place the mattress on the floor

 To restore your foam mattress, place it flat on the floor for a day or two. It allows the foam to decompress and regain its original shape. It helps to reduce sagging and uneven areas. This simple step can do a lot to bring back the warmth and support of your mattress. It’s like giving it a break. 

2. Control Room temperature

Control Room temperature

Maintaining a controlled room temperature is essential in restoring your memory foam mattress. Extreme temperatures can make it hard for memory foam to return to its original shape. 

The foam can become soft and lose shape when the room is too warm. The foam can get more complex and less flexible when it’s cold. You also try to Keep the room temperature comfortable. You make it possible for your mattress to take its old shape back. 

3. Rotate or Flip the Mattress 

Give your memory foam mattress a simple makeover by rotating it 180 degrees or flipping it over

This method helps spread your body weight over the mattress, keeping it from wearing out in certain spots. Turning a mattress is like turning the tires on a car to ensure they wear. It keeps the shape of your bed from changing over time. 

This step is essential to stop bowing because it allows the squeezed areas to heal and grow. It provides different parts of the mattress an opportunity to support your body. You extend its lifespan and maintain consistent comfort. 

4. Add a Mattress Topper or Pad

Consider adding a mattress topper or pad to your memory foam mattress to make it more comfortable. Think of these accessories as a cozy blanket for your bed. Most mattress toppers are made of soft materials like down or memory foam. It adds an extra layer of cushioning to your mattress. It’s like wearing a comfy sweater on a chilly day, providing extra warmth and comfort. A mattress pad can offer protection and a slight boost in comfort. 

Both help relieve pressure spots and bring back some softness that may have worn away over time. Buying a good mattress topper or pad can change the way you sleep. It will help you get a good night’s sleep.

5. Improve the Bed Foundation

Ensure your memory foam mattress has the support it needs by fixing your bed’s base. Like a house needs a solid base to stand tall, your mattress relies on a sturdy bed frame or platform to maintain its shape and comfort. Check to see if your bed frame or platform is in good condition. It can support the weight of a foam mattress. 

If you need to change your bed now. Choose a platform bed with close-together legs or a solid base to avoid rolling and uneven wear. You can make your mattress last longer by giving it a robust and stable base. You can keep sleeping peacefully on foam mattresses for a long time.

6. Get A Mattress Helper

If you want to boost your memory foam mattress, use a mattress helper. A mattress helper can rescue you if your bed has developed uneven areas or seems to sag in certain spots. This handy device is designed to provide targeted support to the areas. It will help your mattress get back to its original shape and softness. Think of a mattress helper as extra support for your bed. It’s an excellent way to fix specific problems and restore your mattress to its original shape. You’re taking steps to ensure your foam mattress will last long

Why Does a Memory Foam Mattress Sag?

Why Does a Memory Foam Mattress Sag

1. Body Weight

Your body weight significantly determines how long your memory foam mattress will last. When you lie down, your bed has to support your weight. Over time, this constant pressure can cause some parts of the foam to get smaller and shrink.

 It takes on more pressure until it stops bouncing. To prevent this from happening, rotate or flip your mattress often.

Also, consider using a mattress topper or pad. It gives you more padding and helps spread your weight out more evenly.

2. Wrong Foundation

When you use the wrong base, your mattress may start to sag. Imagine making a sandcastle on shaky ground. It might look good, but it starts to fall apart over time. 

Similarly, if your mattress isn’t placed on a proper and supportive bed frame or foundation, it can lose shape and support. Memory foam beds must be on a stable surface to spread your weight and keep their shape.

 Suppose your foundation needs to offer the right level of support. It can lead to uneven wear and sagging in certain areas. To avoid this, ensure your bed frame or platform is suitable for mattresses. Consider using a solid foundation or closely spaced slats. It provides consistent support across the entire mattress surface.

3. Poor Support

Poor support is the main reason for sagging memory foam mattresses. If the mattress doesn’t receive proper support from the bed frame or foundation. It can lead to uneven foam compression. It makes some parts of the mattress sink more than others, making it look sagging. 

 It’s essential to ensure your bed frame or base is built to last. You give a memory foam cushion regular and enough support. Getting a robust and well-fitted bed base can do a lot to keep the shape and comfort of the mattress over time.

4. Improper Support

Improper support is a key factor behind the sagging of memory foam mattresses. The bed frame or base only sometimes givesort the mattress. It can lead to uneven foam compression. Because of this, some parts of the mattress sink more than others, making it look like it’s bowing. To avoid this, make sure that your bed base is made to hold a memory foam cushion. Choose a strong bed frame or base with spaced slats or a solid platform to spread your body weight. 

5. Long-Term Use

Long-term use is a factor that can cause memory foam mattresses to sag over time. The continuous pressure from your body weight compresses the foam, and the bed loses shape and support in some places. Even though memory foam lasts long, it may lose some bounce after many years.

 It is regularly rotating the mattress and using a mattress topper. It can cut the effects of long-term use and prolong its lifespan. Imagine that sagging gets bad enough to make it hard for you to sleep. If so, think about getting a new mattress. You need to get the support and comfort you need to sleep well.

6. Quality of Construction

When it comes to how long a memory foam mattress will last, how it is made is essential. Think of it like making a solid castle: using the right tools and methods will last years.

 A well-constructed mattress is made with quality materials and put together. 

This matters because a bed that’s not well-made might start sagging sooner than you’d like. It’s like trying to build a sandcastle with damp sand – it won’t hold up well. Opting for a mattress from a trusted brand known for its quality ensures you get a product built to last.


Is There a Way to Restore Memory Foam Mattress?

Yes, there are ways to restore memory foam mattresses. One way is to use a memory foam mattress topper. This will add an additional layer of comfort and support to the mattress.

Another way is to purchase a new memory foam mattress. This will provide you with a fresh start and allow you to experience the benefits of this type of mattress once again.

Does Memory Foam Go Back to Its Original Shape?

Memory foam mattresses are becoming increasingly popular, but there are still many people who are unsure about how they work. One of the most common questions is whether memory foam goes back to its original shape. The short answer is yes, memory foam does go back to its original shape.

However, it is important to note that this can take some time depending on the thickness of the mattress and the temperature of the room. When you first lie down on a memory foam mattress, you will notice that it takes a few seconds for the foam to start molding to your body.

How Can I Make My Memory Foam Soft Again?

If your memory foam mattress is beginning to feel too firm, there are a few things you can do to make it softer. One option is to add a memory foam topper to the mattress. This will provide an additional layer of softness and cushioning.

Another option is to remove the outermost layer of the mattress (the one that’s most likely causing the firmness) and replace it with a softer layer. Finally, if neither of these options works, you may need to replace your memory foam mattress altogether.


In conclusion, you were restoring the comfort and durability of your memory foam cushion. Follow the steps in this guide. You can fix problems with sinking and get back the support and comfort you once had.

Each step contributes to the restoration process, from placing your mattress on the floor, turning or moving the mattress to change the room’s temperature, adding a mattress topper, improving the bed foundation, and considering a mattress helper.

Remember that things like body weight are the right place to start. The proper support for it helps keep it from falling. 

You can also try using a vacuum with an upholstery attachment to lightly fluff up the surface of the mattress. Finally, if your bed shows age, you might need to replace it altogether.