How To Get Yellow Stains Out Of Memory Foam Mattress

Your memory foam mattress is a comfortable, relaxing place, but you may have noticed yellow spots over time. We’re here to help you find the best ways to get rid of those spots for good.

Sweat, spills, and dust are the most common things that cause these marks. But don’t worry; we’ll show you how to get your mattress back to how it used to be.

Imagine this as a spa day for your bed. We’ll use easy, safe methods to ensure your mattress has no stains and smells nice.

In this guide, we’ll discuss what causes yellow spots and how to get rid of them in depth. We even cover related topics like cleaning mattress toppers and pillows.

By the end, you’ll know how to keep your mattress looking and feeling as good as new. Let’s learn how to get yellow stains out of memory foam mattresses.

What causes yellow stains on a memory foam mattress?

What causes yellow stains on a memory foam mattress

Yellow spots on memory foam mattresses can be frustrating. If you know why they happen, you can take steps to prevent them. These stains often result from sweat, spills, and dust accumulation.

1. Sweat: As you sleep, your body naturally releases moisture in the form of sweat. When this sweat comes into contact with your mattress, it can seep in and leave behind yellow stains. It comes a lot in hot climates or if you sweat a lot at night.

2. Spills: Accidents happen, whether spilled drink, pet accidents, or even a leaky bottle. Any liquids on your mattress can turn the foam yellow as they dry and react with the foam.

3. Dust Accumulation: Dust is always around us and tends to settle on surfaces, including your mattress. When dust combines with moisture, it can create the perfect conditions for yellowing.

The first step is to find what causes yellow spots. The next step is preventing yellow stains on your memory foam mattress. The following sections explore practical solutions to Yellow stains on Your Foam Mattress.

How do you Remove Yellow Stains Out from Your Memory Foam Mattress?

Memory foam mattresses are like your cozy sleep haven, but those yellow stains can be a real eyesore. Here, we explain step-by-step how to get yellow spots out of memory foam mattresses.   

1: Check the Care Instructions

Before you start cleaning your mattress, you must check the care directions that come with it. Some memory foam mattresses come with specific guidelines for cleaning and maintenance. These instructions recommend certain cleaning products and methods. It’s important to follow them to keep your mattress from getting damaged.


  • Look for a sticker or tag on your mattress that tells you how to clean it.
  • If the tag says to use a particular cleaning solution or method, give those instructions the most weight.

2: Vacuum the Foam

Vacuum the foam

It’s time to use a vacuum cleaner to give your mattress some TLC! This step helps remove loose debris, dust, and surface dirt from the bed. Here’s how to do it:


  1. Use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment. It prevents the foam from getting damaged during the cleaning process.
  2. Start lightly cleaning the whole mattress surface, including the sides and corners.
  3. Pay more attention to spots that are stained or discolored.


  • If you vacuum often (about once a month), you can stop dust and dirt from building up. It reduces the chances of yellow stains forming in the first place.

3: Clean Stains with Baking Soda and Water

Clean stains with baking soda and water

Now it’s time to remove those yellow spots that won’t disappear. We’ll use baking soda and water to make an easy but effective homemade cleaner:


  1. Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with 1 cup of hot water. Stir the mixture until the baking soda is completely gone.
  2. Use a damp clean cloth or sponge to wipe the spot away carefully.
  3. If you touch it, the color might get deeper into the foam.
  4. Give the solution about 15 to 20 minutes to work on the spot. It lets it break the color down.
  5. After the wait time, blot the area again to absorb the moisture and stain residue.


  • Baking soda is a natural, cleaner that can also help get rid of bad smells.
  • Always do a spot test on an unnoticeable part of the mattress to ensure the cleaning solution doesn’t cause damage.

4: Rinse

Rinse memory foam mattress

Rinsing is necessary to remove any extra cleaning solution and stop dust from building up. Here’s what you need to do:


  1. Dampen another clean cloth or sponge with plain water.
  2. Blot carefully the place where you put the baking soda and water solution. It helps get rid of any solution left over.
  3. Keep blotting until you know all the cleaning solution has been removed.


  • Ensure you don’t oversaturate the mattress while rinsing. Excess moisture can damage the memory foam.

5: Dry

Now that your mattress is clean and rinsed, it’s time to ensure it’s scorched. Proper drying is essential to prevent mold and mildew growth. Here’s what to do:


  1. Open your windows to allow fresh air to circulate in the room. Good ventilation speeds up the drying process.
  2. Leave the mattress in a dry, well-ventilated area. Direct sunlight can also help speed up drying and kill bacteria.
  3. Avoid heating devices like hairdryers, as they can damage the memory foam.


  • Drying times can differ based on the humidity level and the amount of water used to clean. Patience and ensuring the mattress is dry before using it again is essential.

6: Vacuum Regularly

Prevention is vital to keeping your memory foam mattress in top shape. Regular cleaning can help get rid of dust and other things that can cause spots.


  1. As mentioned earlier, use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment.
  2. Vacuum your mattress about once a month to prevent dust and dirt buildup.


  • Consistent vacuuming not only keeps your mattress clean but also prolongs its lifespan.

7: Air-Drying

Now and then, give your mattress some fresh air. It helps maintain its freshness and keeps it smelling clean.


  1. Remove your bedding and let your mattress breathe for a few hours.
  2. Place your bed outside in direct sunlight for a few hours. Sunlight can kill germs and get rid of bad smells


  • Be careful about leaving your mattress in full sunshine for a long time, as too much sun can damage it.

8: Wash Sheets and Bedding Once a Week

Keeping your sheets, toppers and blankets clean will also help prevent spots in the future. Here’s what you should do.


  1. Wash your bed sheets, pillowcases, and any other bedding at least once a week.
  2. Use a mild detergent and follow the care instructions on your bedding for best results.


  • Clean bedding reduces the chances of spills and sweat from reaching your mattress.

9: Wash Regularly

If you have a removable mattress cover or protector. You can follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning it regularly.


  1. Check the label on the cover for directions on how to wash it.
  2. To keep your mattress safe, clean the body as directed.


  • A mattress cover can help keep your bed clean and free of stains. These steps and tips should help keep your memory foam mattress clean and stain-free. 


Congratulations, you now know how to make your memory foam cushion look as good as new. Let’s go over what we’ve learned and why it’s important:

First, we explored the causes of those pesky yellow stains on your mattress. We found out that sweat, spills, and dust accumulation can be the culprits. But fear not, as we shared practical solutions to tackle these issues.

We looked at the care instructions, including how to vacuum, clean with baking soda and water, rinse, and dry. Following these steps can help you maintain a fresh and clean mattress.

So,  that protection is the best friend of your mattress. You can Clean, pad, pillows and wash your blankets regularly.

Remember to explore other mattress-related topics on our website. We have a lot of tips and tricks that will help you sleep better and keep your mattress in excellent condition. Your clean and cozy place to sleep is waiting for you! Fresh beds will help you get the best night’s sleep.

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