
How To Make Crib Mattress Higher

Why do I need to raise the crib mattress? We know you have a lot on your plate, and your child’s health is your top concern. So, we’re here to explain how to raise a crib mattress, an essential part of being a parent.

Your child is as snug as a bug in a rug in their crib. This is the goal. We want to help you make it happen.

This guide will explore why crib mattress height is critical and why you must make changes. We’re discussing phone books, foam tops, and crib bars.

So, let’s start this adventure by ensuring the crib is safe and comfortable. By the end, you’ll be a crib mattress expert, and your baby will sleep in the coziest crib in town. So, let’s explore Why May You Need to Make Crib Mattress Higher

Why May You Need to Make Crib Mattress Higher?

There might be better ideas than raising your baby’s crib mattress. It’s essential to ensure your child’s safety and comfort as they grow. This guide will provide you Why You Need to Make Crib Mattress Higher.

Why May You Need to Make Crib Mattress Higher

1. Safety Hazard

It becomes a safety risk when your baby can climb out of the crib. Raising the mattress height prevents potential accidents. Babies are curious little explorers. As they grow, their curiosity often leads them to test their boundaries. If your baby can climb out of their crib, it’s a safety hazard waiting to happen. They might attempt a daring escape in the middle of the night or during naptime. It can result in falls and injuries. Raising the crib cushion improves the baby’s sleep and reduces the chance of an accident. It provides peace of mind for you as a parent.

2. Teething and Chewing

Babies love to explore the world with their mouths. If they can reach the crib rails, they may chew on them, which isn’t safe. A higher bed keeps those little teeth from getting hurt. Teething is a normal process that can be painful for babies. When babies are upset, they often try to feel better by chewing on anything they can find, even the crib rails. However, this can pose a safety risk if the crib rails are within easy reach. 

3. Easy Escape

 Your child may try to get out of the crib as they age. If you raise the mattress, they might think twice about trying this risky trick. As babies have more babies, they are more likely to try new things. It’s common for a growing baby to attempt a great escape from their crib. Climbing out of a crib can be dangerous, leading to falls and injuries. Raising the height of the crib cushion makes it harder for your little explorer to get out. It keeps them safe and snug in their crib, where they belong.

4. Transitioning to a Toddler Bed

 When your baby is ready to move from a crib to a toddler bed, a higher mattress makes the change more accessible and less tempting to get out of bed. Your child will reach a significant milestone when they move from a crib to a baby bed. But it can also be challenging, especially if your child isn’t sure if they are ready to leave the safety of their crib. 

A higher baby cushion can make this shift easier by keeping the crib as a comfortable place. It gives the extra safety of higher sides like a baby bed. It helps your child feel at home and makes them less likely to try to get out too soon.

5. Keeps Baby Contained

Sometimes, you must keep your baby in one place to keep them safe or to set up a sleep schedule. In this case, a higher cushion can be helpful. Sometimes, you must keep your baby in a crib to get them into a sleep habit or to keep them safe. A higher baby cushion lets you make your child a safe and comfortable place. It keeps them in their crib so you can relax and your baby can sleep. 

10 Ways to Make Crib Mattress Higher

Now that we’ve discussed why raising your crib mattress is essential let’s dive into the fun part: how to do it! We’ve got 10 super easy ways to make your crib mattress higher and safer for your baby.

10 Ways to Make Crib Mattress Higher

1. Use a Phone Book

Remember those big, thick phone books? Well, they can come in handy here. Slide one under the crib mattress gives it a little boost. It’s like a secret magic trick for a higher bed!

2. Measure the Crib Mattress

Measure the Crib Mattress

Before you raise your baby’s crib mattress, measuring it and the crib is crucial. First, clear the crib of any items. Use a tape measure to determine the mattress’s length, width, and depth. Record these measurements for reference. 

Additionally, measure the interior of the crib to ensure a snug fit. The higher mattress will fit in the crib if the measurements are correct. It creates a safe and comfortable sleep space for your baby.

3. Use a Foam Topper

Use a Foam Topper

Using a foam topper is a fantastic way to make your baby’s crib mattress higher and more comfortable. Picture putting a cloud in your baby’s crib. A plastic topper feels like that. It makes the bed taller and more comfortable for your child to sleep on.

4. Use a Mattress Pad 

Choose a crib-sized mattress pad that suits your baby’s needs. Measure your crib mattress before you start to make sure it fits well.

Put the cushion pad on top of the crib mattress and make sure it lies flat. Then, put a crib sheet that fits over the pad.

Check that everything fits in the crib. Finally, test the setup before your baby sleeps on it to ensure it’s comfortable and safe. A mattress pad is a simple way to raise the crib mattress and ensure your baby is comfortable.

5. Use Sheets

 How do you put on one pair of socks and add another for extra warmth? Well, you can do something similar with crib sheets. Adding an extra sheet can give your crib mattress a little lift.

Use a Crib Wedge: A crib wedge is like a gentle slope for your baby’s crib. It helps elevate the mattress, which can be helpful, especially if your baby has a bit of reflux.

6. Use a Crib Rail

Crib rails are like bodyguards for your little one. They keep your baby safe and secure in their crib, preventing adventurous climbing.

7. Place Plywood in the Crib Frame

 Plywood is strong and sturdy, like a superhero. Placing it in the crib frame creates a solid base for the mattress. Secure Plywood to Crib Frame: Remember those screws we use to assemble furniture? Well, they come in handy here. They keep the plywood in place, making it safe and steady.

8. Test Fit Mattress

 Make sure everything fits before your baby takes a snooze. We don’t want gaps where tiny hands or feet could get stuck. Safety first!

9. Add Pillow Top Topper

A pillow top topper is a great choice to make your baby’s crib mattress more comfy. Start by picking a crib-sized pillow top topper designed for comfort and safety. Be sure to check that it matches the size of your crib mattress.

Place the pillow top topper on the crib mattress to make it extra soft and cozy.Then, cover the topper with a fitted crib sheet to keep it in place. Make sure everything fits inside the crib and that it’s all secure. Test it before your baby sleeps on it to ensure it’s super comfy and safe. A pillow top topper is a luxurious way to raise the crib mattress.

10. Enjoy Your New Crib Mattress

You’ve completed all the steps, and now your baby has a higher, cozier crib mattress.


We’ve covered a lot of ground in this guide on raising your crib mattress. You now know how to do it and why it’s important. Let’s review why it’s essential to increase the crib mattress:

  • Safety: It prevents accidents and keeps your baby secure.
  • Teething and Chewing: Protects the crib rails from those tiny teeth.
  • Easy Escape: Deters climbing attempts.
  • Transitioning to a Toddler Bed Makes the transition smoother.
  • Keeping Baby Contained: Establishes a safe sleep routine.

Remember that your baby’s safety and health come first. One of these ways makes a safe and cozy place for you and your baby to sleep so you can rest.

So go ahead and raise that crib mattress the best way for you. You don’t have to worry about your baby when you know they are safe and sound asleep. Every mom knows a baby who gets enough sleep is a happy kid. 

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